Kinosuke Ebihara : Centennial Celebration for Ebihara August 28, 2004- October 31, 2004
2004 marks the 100th birthday of artist Kinosuke Ebihara. Ebihara was born on September 13, 1904 in Kagoshima City.
At the age of 19 he ventured off to Paris, placing himself in the midst of the art world, and developed his own style. His presence not only largely affected the Independent Art Association, but all artistic circles throughout Japan.

© Kinosuke Ebihara"circus " 1970
However, for Ebihara, the rebirth of his style came through disappointments and hardships he experienced after World War II in Kumamoto, the countless drawings he did in Hitoyoshi, and the guidance he gave to younger upcoming artists.

Through the recollection of memories and episodes from the people who were influenced by Ebihara during his time in Kumamoto, as well as the people who supported him, this exhibit will attempt to re-examine the life and work of Kinosuke Ebihara.

| Museum hours: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (No one will be admitted after 7:30 p.m.)
| Closed*: Every Tuesday
| Entrance fees:
800yen (600yen)*
University students/ High school students:
500yen (400yen) *
Junior high/ elementary school students:
300yen (200yen)*
Junior high/ elementary school students in Kumamoto city:
*Parentheses indicate reduced price for groups of 20 or more.

Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto
2-3 Kamitori-cho, Chuou-ku, Kumamoto city, 860-0845 Japan
TEL/+81-96-278-7500 FAX/+81-96-359-7892 E-mail/

Copyright (C) Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto. All Rights Reserved.